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Increase Well-Visit Compliance Through Active Social Media

Learn how social media can help your clinic boost well-visit compliance rates. 

pediatrician and child at well visit

Despite the undeniable importance of well visits, compliance rates are concerningly low. Only 58.6% of children aged 3-17 received all recommended well visits in 2019, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). This statistic isn’t just a number—it’s a call to action. In a world where every missed well visit represents a missed opportunity to improve patient outcomes, pediatric clinics need new strategies to boost well-visit compliance. 

Why it matters: Well visits are essential to pediatric care, providing numerous benefits for children's health and well-being. 

  • Growth and development tracking: Well visits are a checkpoint in a child’s growth journey, creating space for pediatricians to assess physical growth, developmental milestones, and overall well-being. 

  • Early detection: Pediatricians can conduct comprehensive health screenings and identify potential health problems before they become problematic. 

  • Preventive care and vaccinations: Well visits are crucial for administering age-appropriate vaccinations, which protect children from infectious diseases. Pediatricians also provide anticipatory guidance, educating parents on promoting healthy habits and reducing the risk of future health problems.

  • Parent education and support: Pediatricians can educate parents about child health, safety, nutrition, and common childhood illnesses. Armed with knowledge, parents are empowered to make informed decisions regarding their children's healthcare and well-being.

The power of social media in increasing well-visit compliance 

Social media platforms have emerged as a powerful tool that pediatric clinics can leverage to achieve higher well-visit compliance rates.  By utilizing social media for healthcare effectively, pediatric clinics can:

  1. Educate and inform parents: Pediatric clinics can provide accurate and easily accessible information through social media about the importance of well visits, recommended schedules, and preventive care benefits. Engaging content, such as infographics, videos, and interactive quizzes, can effectively educate parents and dispel misconceptions.

  2. Reminders made easy: With social media, pediatric clinics can send personalized reminders directly to parents. These reminders can be tailored to each child's well-visit schedule, ensuring that parents receive timely prompts and are less likely to forget appointments.

  3. Convenient online scheduling: Integrating online scheduling features into social media platforms allows parents to conveniently book well-visit appointments at a time that suits their schedule. It also eliminates the need for phone calls or in-person visits, reducing barriers to access.

  4. Ongoing support: Social media platforms foster a sense of community among parents, allowing them to connect, share experiences, and seek support from others. This can help normalize well visits and encourage parents to seek healthcare advice and support from their peers.

  5. Community engagement. By reposting and sharing content from local community organizations, your social media account becomes an authority on resources across social determinants of health. This effectively provides a space to elaborate upon and/or touch on topics not covered in the well visit due to time constraints. 

So, does it work? The proof is in the post 

Yes! Being active on social media seems like a way to attract new patients, but studies suggest it is also a powerful tool for encouraging well-visit compliance. Consider these three success stories:

  1. Children's Healthcare of Atlanta implemented a comprehensive social media strategy and saw a significant increase in well-visit compliance rates. Their approach included educational content, personalized reminders, and online scheduling features.

  2. Boston Children's Hospital launched a social media campaign to educate parents about the importance of well visits during the COVID-19 pandemic. The campaign resulted in a notable increase in well-visit scheduling and reduced concerns among parents.

Seattle Children's Hospital used social media to promote their "Catch Up on Care" campaign, encouraging parents to schedule well visits and vaccinations that may have been delayed due to the pandemic. The result? A resurgence of well-visit appointments among existing patients.

Ready to increase your well-visit compliance rates and create your own success story? Start your 30-day free trial and effortlessly connect with patients on social media today.



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